1. Flower in a Pot: Why give her a dead flower that will die in days? Give her a live Rose or any flower that she can water and take care of. Other than being relatively less expensive that buying a bouquet from e.bechavez, studies says that a bit of gardening relieves stress. So no more PMS-ing, cranky mornings and frequent LQ-ing it will just be you and her gushing at how your "baby" flower has grown awwww. Think: That Crazy little thing called love movie when Nam was given a Rose plant by P'sone.
Where to buy: Baclaran, Lazada, Tagaytay, Actually there are a lot of small plant stores you can buy from I'm sure you have once passed by 1 or 2. You can also ask your friendly neighbor if you could get a branch or two of his Kalachuchi or a seed or 2 of his Sunflower.
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2. Make Her a Song: Easier said than done since not everyone has the talent or knack for it. BUT if you can pull this off, this will not cost you a sinlge singkong duling. You might even be able to get her to say yes even if you are not proposing. ;)
Costs: Php 0-Php 30 (If you want to bribe your "backup singers" with some merienda after your performance)
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3. Cook for Her: I had an ex once, and well we were both just students at that time so we don't have any money of our own but I remembered how I loved his random breakfast surprise complete with Ylang-ylang stolen from our friendly but totally clueless neighbor's house. It was nothing fancy but the gesture was beyond sweet. It would typically just consist of pancit canton, fried eggs and coffee if he has extra cash instead of Lucky me it would be Mi goreng. So, he would bring these to my room (with the permission of my mama of course) and It was always a pleasant surprise to wake up to the smell of food.
Costs: Lucky me pancit canton- Php 7.00
Coffee: Php 7.00
Egg: Php 6.00
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4. Stolen Photo: BUT I just want to emphasize, make sure that she looks gorgeous in this stolen shot. Got it? Not eating, no nose picking, no yawning or what not. The goal is to get her to feel her beauty is effortless and that you are in very much at awe with it....or to that effect, you know what I mean. Now go to Tronix, print it in the biggest size possible as long as it won't pixilate then put in a frame. Toss in a cheesy note like: "to my one and only goddess." and you are good to go awww..
Costs: It depends on what size you want your picture to be prices may be around Php 200.
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5. Books from Booksale: I myself am a frequent shopper at booksale. My favorites are 1. Old Magazines you can get one for as low as Php10.00 2. Archie comic books 3. Mandala books you can color.
They actually have a good and diverse selection of books so you will have a lot to choose from.
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